Instead of Breaking Down Bridges, 'They' Will Help Me Build Them - Council Aspirant Martin Tanjong.
Martial Gnoukapasi Tubah Council aspirant Martin Tanjong. Martin Tanjong, seeking another mandate as mayor of tubah council under the CPDM ticket this time around in the up coming twin municipal and parliamentary elections of februaury 9th this year, made the headline remark in response to a question posed by MNews237 on how he was going to overcome the problem of insecurity facing the region to continue with the execution of the lofty projects he outlined in a press conference wednessday January 29th, organized to declare his intention to run for office and spell out his ambitions for the municipality if he's given another mandate. Below are the responses he gave to some petinent questions asked him by media men and women during the press conference; MNews237 - In your presentation, you cited a number of achievements during your first mandate in office, mentioning insecurity as the only stumbling block that punctured certain aspirations. How ...