New framework, key innovations of Presidential Plan for Reconstruction and Development detailed to stakeholders in the NW

By Martial Gnoukapasi 

Minister Paul Tasong(M) flanked by North West governor Lele Lafrique (R), President NW Regional Assembly (L)

Bamenda, Sept.17 - The Steering Committee President of the Presidential Plan for the Reconstruction and Development (PPRD) of the North West and South West, Minister Paul Tasong, has reiterated that the purpose of the reconstruction plan designed to rebuild the two English speaking regions engulfed by a seven year old conflict is not just to build, but to build back better.

Minister Paul Tasong was speaking Tuesday September 17 at the 2nd session of the Regional Follow-up Committee meeting of the PPRD/NW as he school stakeholders on the new organic framework and key innovations of the plan.

On July 30th, 2024, prime Minister, head of government, Chief Dr. Joseph Dion Ngute, who is the supervisory authority of the Reconstruction and Development Plan signed an order, modifying the existing framework that came into being on April 3rd of 2020.

implementing stakeholders

The modification takes out the United Nation Development Program (PNDP) which was the sole implementing partner of the Recovery Phase of the plan that had and still has as as objective, to address the immediate needs of the affected population in the NW/SW regions, restore social cohesion and to reconstruct and rehabilitate basic infrastructures .

The presidential plan for reconstruction and development can now enter into multiple partnerships with local and regional authorities , development missions and programs of the state, the North West Regional Assembly as well as divisional and regional authorities for implemention of matured projects .

There's also the possibility of contracting civil society organizations, religious bodies and NGO's for project execution.

Another major innovation, highlighted by the committee president is that the reconstruction plan will now incorporate the other phases of reconstruction and development.

".. Now the PPRD can and should be able to incorporate in it's result, the work that's been done on the construction of the Kumbo - Nkambe section of the ring road, the Bamenda - Babadjou road and the urban bypass on the road to the city of Bamenda" he said. 

The mission of committee now becomes precise in the mobilization of funds for key development and reconstruction projects through lobbying etc.

" .. It also seems to identify the needs of the agro industrial outfits that exist in the two regions like the CDC, PAMOL, UNVDA, sourcing for funds to acquire their production materials like machines require to improve productivity". he added

local and regional authorities taking notes

The examples cited above is mainly because these entities are major employers of the two English speaking regions of the country. By reconstructing them, the presidential plan will only be rebuilding the economy of the regions affected, the households relying on them for sustenance, labourers and employees coming out from distressed situations.

The reconstruction plan like he said will not only rebuild but will build back better. which in essence means that for a school that was destroyed, the plan intends to not just build back the school, but also ensure that basic amenities like water, modern toilets , solar panels are planted there as well.

Governor Adolph Lele Lafrique - NW regional follow-up committee chair

Speaking earlier, governor Adolph Lele Lafrique, chairman of the NW regional follow-up committee, indicated that the Plan was already yielding fruits in the region.

He said 258 projects under the program has already been executed in the region, 38 still ongoing during this recovery phase with two suspended for  reasons that will be addressed.

The region, he added, is ready to implement the second and third phases as per the new dynamics for better results.

Since local authorities like mayors have now been brought in as one of the frontline stakeholders in the implementation process, minister Paul Tasong remarked that the committee will function with those with great performance in the execution of their public investment budget.

Minister Paul Tasong facing the media in the region

The recovery phase of the plan was budgeted at fcfa150 billion but the steering committee president indicated just 50billion of the amount has been realized. The challenge of raising the funds are there but the government is said is doing it's best.

The total budget for the Presidential Plan for the Reconstruction and Development of the North West and South West region, stands at over 2500billion CFA.


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