
Showing posts from October, 2019

COMINSUD/UNFPA: The Journey Towards Safe Delivery Starts By Planning For The Pregnancy

Martial Gnoukapasi Joy and conviviality abounds when a woman successfully puts to birth. It's a always a good sight to see, after nine months of uncertainty. Reproductive Health expert David Ayem in this interview with MNews237 amongst many things said, the journey towards safe delivery though not necessarily a rough one, must be done with all care and caution.  " For a woman to have a safe delivery, first she should plan for the pregnancy, which is what we call pre-conceptual care. Pregnancy should not be surprising people. A woman must not find herself pregnant before start thinking of what to do. Start ante-netal care/clinic as early as 2-3 months. This will help health experts to start doing general screening as early as possible, in a bit ascertain if there's a disease or danger in the life of the mother or the forming fetus so they can treat it to avoid complications that may tamper with the pregnancy.  A pregnant woman should do an echography from 10weeks to be able...

Media Freedom Is Vital In Every Vibrant Democracy- NewSETA DG Seta Caxton Tells journalists At Media, Peace And Elections Workshop Opening In Yaounde

Martial Gnoukapasi NewSETA DG(left) hon. Enwe Francis(right) To run for 5 days, the workshop that has brought together over 50 journalists to brainstorm and share their experiences on issues centered around their  profession, peace and elections, organized by the Network for Solidarity, Empowerment and Transformation for All(NewSETA) in partnership with the National Endowment for Democracy(NED)USA and Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA) has as major objective, accentuating the role of free press in shaping public opinion, in a climate of social crisis and electoral partisanship.  NewSETA director Seta Caxon also acknowledged in his opening remark October 22nd that, the challenges faced by the media in advocating for a free press was numerous, reason why he considerd the workshop timely. Cross section of workshop participants  His words were further complimented by that of the honourable member of parliament for the Momo East Constituency Enwe Francis, who re-i...

FOOTBALL: PWD Bamenda Adopts FCFA 116Million As Budget For 2019/20 Season

Martial Gnoukapasi President Abunde Pascal          At the Annual assembly meeting of Wednesday October 18th in Bamenda - capital city of the North West region, the president of the 'abakwa boys' football club Abunde Pascal, meeting with supporters said all hands will be needed on Deck if the team is to deliver what is expected of them this season.   Though it's still not certain as to whether the club will maintain it's status as an elite 1 football side, or will drop to division two, supporters while anxiously and patiently waiting for the verdict of the 3rd court case hearing against Astre of Douala to rule in their favour have promised to set aside their differences and rally their financial and material resources towards the attainment of the teams objective.  The president said to realize the targeted budget, new sources of income must be exploited. The club he added is willing to expand it's board to accommodate new members for that purpose....

COMINSUD/UNFPA: HIV- Only Becomes A Killer When Treatment Is Neglected.

Martial Gnoukapasi According to Dr Neba Sharon of the mezam polyclinic in Bamenda, HIV/AIDS only becomes a killer disease when treatment is neglected.  With the availability of modern drugs, she adds that life can still be meaningful, long and healthy when you're tested positive.  She spoke lengthly about the 90-90-90 goal to MNews237 and says the doctor/patient confidentiality still prevail. Reason why people shouldn't shy away from doing their test, as most fear of being stigmatized after knowing their status. Hear her " The 90-90-90 goal was an objective set by WHO that by 2015, 90% of the population should get tested and know their status, 90% of all infected persons diagnosed to be positive after a screen should be placed on treatment and  90% of all those on treatment should be adherent. Adherent here means that they take their drugs regularly and on daily basis, in other to reduce the viral load in their system"   Reacting to people shying away from knowing the...

FOOTBALL: PWD Bamenda Wants To Know Where They Belong- Management Convenes General Assembly.

Martial Gnoukapasi The team press officer of Bamenda's most cherished last year division one club side PWD, otherwise known as the Abakwa boys, speaking to MNews237 over a brief telephone interview said the general assembly meeting build for October 16 at noon, is to enable management align it's plan of action for the 2019/20 football season and that of supporters.     One thing he couldn't come out clearly about is whether the club will going into the new season as a first or second division side, but maintains it will certainly fall under some of the issues to be thrashed at the assembly meeting. TPO Abongwa Fozo  There's been a lot of controversies on and offline regarding the status and position of the club.  The assembly meeting that shall also be gathering fans today October 16th 2019at the station Hilltop hotel in Bamenda is expected to put these speculations to rest.     The club experienced alot of difficulty ending the 2018/19 football season. A s...

FOOTBALL: North West Fecafoot Bags Home More Than Anticipated In Nine Months.

Martial Gnoukapasi Mbigha Felix presenting trophy to governor The 2018/19 football season in the North West region was quite a difficult and challenging one for both officials and lovers of the game. This is oweing to the fact that the region is one of those that still finds it very hard to swallow, the bitter pill given them to chew by the Anglophone crisis.    This unfortunate reality however, still couldn't deter the aspirations of the current NW Fecafoot team, that's only been in office for a period of nine(9) months, going by the last election.      Even the numerous lockdowns and ghost town operations, coupled with the insecurity that characterized the season, still didn't make the officials and clubs, take away their eyes from the prize.   The result of all the hard work finally paid and is still paying off as; Foncha Street FC              -North West mini inter-pools regional champions Foncha Street FC, returned w...

COMINSUD/UNFPA: Family Planning Isn't Just About Contraception. There's More To It.

Martial Gnoukapasi Most people feel that family planning is limited to deciding whether to have children or not, and the number of children you plan on giving birth to. However, health expert David Ayem, chief executive officer of African Reproductive Health Services(AREF) says it goes beyond that to also include what it takes to choose a partner.  Family planning as he insists, is feeling satisfied with the family you have. He threw more light on the subject matter to MNews237: "Family planning is actually the knowledge, acquired on how to make a family. For someone to have a satisfying family, such a person needs to acquire knowledge on what it takes to build a family. It's a whole combination of ideas that guides someone to know how to make a family which stems from; - What it takes to choose a partner to marry. - Deciding as to whether to have children or not, and at the end feeling satisfied with the family that you have. There's what we called contraception which com...

#RECANNW2019: The Android Generation Letter From mottanni That Didn't Miss It's Target.

Martial Gnoukapasi Tanni Desmond Awa(mottanni) If there's one phrase that youths of today's comtenporary society are very familiar or vest with, it is that which reminds them more often and I quote " The youths are the leaders of tomorrow".  This statement, used by most administrative authorities & politicians in Cameroon when given the opportunity to address the youths is so true. But the question has always been: - are the youths equipped with the much needed tools, opportunities and the environment to shape this very future our leaders keep talking of-? An answer from a youth will be a big NO while the aforementioned category of persons will say ALL THE TIME.       This differences in opinion and way of life between the Android generation (youths of today) and our parents of the traditional society/generation seems to have widen, leading to the misunderstanding and misrepresentation of who a youth of today's society really is.   Reason why when the ...

COMINSUD/UNFPA. GBV: Women Speak Out. Men Have Join the Battle.

Martial Gnoukapasi Contrary to popular opinion, Gender Base Violence (GBV) does not only concern women. Men just like women are both victims and perpertrators of the various forms of GBV. Gender base violence expert, Melvin Songwe of the United Youth Organisation (UYO), speaking to MNews237 expressed satisfaction that men are now jumping on board the campaign: " We started by getting it twisted. There's been so many workshops and sensitization on gender base violence for women. The mistake we made at first was, we left out the perpertrators who are mostly young boys and men. Thanks to the He4She program, so many men are now brought onboard the campaign to denounce and help women break the silence as well. We equally have men who are survivors of GBV and have choosen to be silent about it, and that's what we intend to bring to the lamp-light now. If just one man can take the bold step of stepping forward, am convinced many will follow." To note that the only way to up...

COMINSUD/UNFPA: Menstruation -The Pride Of Every Girl And Woman

Martial Gnoukapasi Girls likewise Women, menstruation is part of you.  Infact that is what makes you a real woman.   However always endeavor to use clean towels during menstruation and change your pat regularly. Being stained doesn't mean you're nasty and make sure to dispose your pat carefully. That's blood from your body. Men should equally understand that menstruation, concerns them as well, since we are talking about the dignity of our wives, sisters, female friends and mothers.  When you dignify something you'll obviously respect it.  We should note that menstruation is the pride of every woman and girl child.Heal

COMINSUD/UNFPA: Safe Delivery Builds A Happy Home.

By Martial Gnoukapasi It's been observed that most women loose their babies simply because they didn't observed a healthy lifestyle during pregnancy. To avoid this syndrome of loosing babies before and during birth, pregnant women must to learn to:  -Begin clinic at 3 months and be regular. -Do all test and follow all medical advice. -Avoid stressful activities. -Must avoid alcohol and smoking for it affects the health of the baby. - Must do timely preparation and endeavor to stay with someone, for safe delivery builds a happy home.