COMINSUD/UNFPA: The Journey Towards Safe Delivery Starts By Planning For The Pregnancy
Martial Gnoukapasi Joy and conviviality abounds when a woman successfully puts to birth. It's a always a good sight to see, after nine months of uncertainty. Reproductive Health expert David Ayem in this interview with MNews237 amongst many things said, the journey towards safe delivery though not necessarily a rough one, must be done with all care and caution. " For a woman to have a safe delivery, first she should plan for the pregnancy, which is what we call pre-conceptual care. Pregnancy should not be surprising people. A woman must not find herself pregnant before start thinking of what to do. Start ante-netal care/clinic as early as 2-3 months. This will help health experts to start doing general screening as early as possible, in a bit ascertain if there's a disease or danger in the life of the mother or the forming fetus so they can treat it to avoid complications that may tamper with the pregnancy. A pregnant woman should do an echography from 10weeks to be able...