Bamenda II councilors salute mayor Chenwi Peter's development actions, validate 2024 accounts
By Martial Gnoukapasi
Councilors of the Bamenda II council have congratulated the mayor, his staff and collaborators for efforts in revenue mobilisation and project realisation for 2024, despite the security challenges.
After careful scrutiny of the council's development action in 2024 with the limited resources it was able to generate, the councilors of the municipality on February 6th at the council hall, validated the accounts, suggesting more avenues through which the council could raise more funds for it's ambitious programs for the population in the sub division.
The Bamenda II council under Mayor Chenwi Peter raised over 984 million for 2024. A budget which upon presentation, balances in income and expenditure.
Projects realized for 2024
The council for 2024 was able to realize a good number of projects, some of which was spelled out by the mayor to include:
✓Construction of Modern market and a Borehole at mile 90
✓Construction of a block of classrooms in GS and GPS Ntambag
✓Construction of a box Culvert linking Ntamulung and cow street, and another linking Alachu and matsom.
✓ Construction of a block of two wards and nurses office at the Azure integrated health center
✓ Back filling of roads in some areas
✓ Construction of the Bamenda II council Treasury and civil status building, to name but these.
The realization of these projects according to mayor Chenwi Peter, falls within his vast ambition to advance development in the domain of Education, Health and provision of employment opportunities to more young persons within the sub division this year.
The various committees in their reports presented, saluted the council for some of its actions last year, made a good number of suggestions on ways the council could maximize revenue to realize it's lofty programs.
They, among others include;
✓For the Council to ensure that the Nitop market goes operational.
✓The institution of municipal police to help in the revenue collection process.
✓For the city council to assist the Bamenda II council in the collection of global during collection of rents from the various markets within the municipality.
✓ There was also a plea for the office of the senior divisional officer for Mezam to help resolve the persistent conflicts between staff of the city council and those of the Bamenda II municipality as they clash on the field often during revenue collection.
The councilors saluted the mayor for the funeral service and contributions made in successfully honouring the memories of the late 2nd deputy mayor Joko Freda who was killed last year.
There was also a general plea through the reports, for an increase in the number of deputy mayors from two to four, and number of councilors from 31 to at least 41 following an increase in the size of the population within the council area which now stands at over 400,000 people, up from the over 180,000 persons projected by the 2005 census.
Reacting to the demands, the senior divisional officer for Mezam, Simon moh Emile indicated that it's not within the competence of the council to determine new figures of the population within the municipality. Reason why the council must work with the appropriate structures before effecting such a decision away from a council deliberation.
He appreciated the councilors for a show of maturity during the election of a new second deputy mayor, Azah victorine on Thursday February 5th.
He encouraged them to be united in promoting national integration and unity in the CPDM run council that's also preparing for the next 2026 municipal elections
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